It is “The Holiday”. Click here!!!!
Iris (Kate Winslet) is the female journalist and Amanda (Cameron Diaz) who lives in London are the woman presidents of the movie preview production company of Hollywood. They live a happy life every day, but Iris fail in love with her boyfriend and Amanda end the cohabitation life. They become holiday of the worst life. One day, Los Angeles resident Amanda and Londoner Ilis decided to swap homes. Iris moves into Amanda’s L.A house in sunny California as Amanda arrives in the snow covered English countryside. Shortly after arriving at their destiations, both women find the last thing either wants or expects: a new romance. Amanda is charmed by Iris’s handsome brother Graham (Jude Law) and Iris, with inspiration provided by legendary screen writer Arthur (Eli Wallach), mends her heart when she meet film composer Miles.
It is paving the way for romance they never imagined possible. This charming comedy from writer-director Nancy Meyers features an all-star cast, induding Jyde Law, Jack Black, Edward Bums and Rufus Sewell.
"I have found almost everything ever written about love to be true Shake Speare said, 'Journey end in lovers meeting' What an extradinary thought" -Iris
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